FRIDAY, 11 SEPTEMBER Venue : Renaissance Hotel, Sofia 1303; 2, Vazrajdane Sq. 11.30 – 12.30 Registration of participants – lobby (First floor) 12.30–14.45 FIRST PLENARY SESSION Conference Hall, 7th floor 12.30-12.50 Welcome and official opening by Bistra Stoimenova, President of the Bulgarian History Teachers’ Association Official greetings by: Vanya Kastreva, Vice-Minister of Education Petar Natsev, European Commission Representation in Bulgaria Martina Michalski, Bürger Europas e. V., coordinator of the project Create Europe in Diversity Iva Dzhangozova, Bulgarian Association of German Language Teachers Mire Mladenovski, President of the ANIM and EUROCLIO Board member Jonathan Even-Zohar, EUROCLIO Director (via Skype) 12.50-13.15 Presentation of European project « Create Europe in Diversity » (2015-2016) – Martina Michalski, Bürger Europas e. V. Translation: Dessislava Zareva 13.15-13.45 EU initiatives for youth – Petar Natsev, European Commission Representation in Bulgaria 13.45-14.15 EU and you in action. Enhancement of high achievements in teaching through digital and virtual tools - Prof. Olya Harizanova, Sofia University, Faculty of Philosophy 14.15-14.45 Topic of EU and informal education – Dr Krassimira Vassileva, President of the National Association of Bulgarian European clubs СДРУЖЕНИЕ НА ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛИТЕ ПО ИСТОРИЯ В БЪЛГАРИЯ BULGARIAN HISTORY TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION This conference is financed with the support of the European Commission in the frame of the project "Creating Europe in Diversity". Only Bürger Europas and partners bear the responsibility for the content of this conference. The Commission is not liable for the contents and their further utilisation. 15.00-17.00 Visit to the National Assembly (Bulgarian Parliament) 19.30 Dinner (Graphite Restaurant; 2, Tri Ushi Str.) SATURDAY, 12 SEPTEMBER Venue: Department of Information and In-service Training of Teachers (DIITT) – Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski Sofia 1619; 224, blvd Tsar Boris ІІІ 9.00-10.30 SECOND PLENARY SESSION Conference Hall, first floor 9.00-9.40 European identity and history teaching – Assoc. Prof. Svetoslav Malinov, PhD, MEP, Committee on Culture and Education 9.40-10.00 Discussion 10.00-10.30 Ongoing reforms and modernization of history education – Radostina Nikolova, chief expert on history in Ministry of Education and Science 10.30-11.00 Coffee-break 11.00-12.30 FIRST WORKSHOP SESSION Four parallel workshops WORKSHOP 1: EU in the classroom: Teaching ideas for secondary schools– Prof. ROSSITSA PENKOVA & Assist. Prof. NINA TSVETKOVA,PhD, Sofia University, Bulgaria Room: Conference Hall WORKSHOP 2: These were real lives! Helping students to connect with the people behind the statistics of a war-torn Europe – INEKE VELDHUIS-MEESTER, The Netherlands Room: 209 (second floor) Translation: Dessislava Zareva WORKSHOP 3: Unity in diversity: ”Shining stars of Europe” - MIRE MLADENOVSKI, R. of Macedonia Room: 203 (second floor) WORKSHOP 4: Europe between the Local, the National and the Global – DANUTE GRINFELDE, Latvia Room: 206 (second floor) Translation: Maria Totomanova СДРУЖЕНИЕ НА ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛИТЕ ПО ИСТОРИЯ В БЪЛГАРИЯ BULGARIAN HISTORY TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION This conference is financed with the support of the European Commission in the frame of the project "Creating Europe in Diversity". Only Bürger Europas and partners bear the responsibility for the content of this conference. The Commission is not liable for the contents and their further utilisation. 12.30-14.00 THIRD PLENARY SESSION Conference Hall, first floor 12.30-13.15 What does a European club do? Presentation of activities and initiatives – Valentina Aleksandrova, Foreign Languages High-School “Jordan Radichkov”, Vidin and former students Discussion 13.15-13.45 Teaching about a Europe without dividing lines – a publication of Council of Europe – Assist. Prof. Bistra Stoimenova, Sofia University, DIITT 13.45-14.00 The lesson as a drama performance - Sevdalina Panayotova\'s method of sculpting active citizens (Thoughts provoked by a short survey) - Krassimira Joncheva 14.00-15.00 Lunch break (Ohrid Restaurant) 15.00-16.30 SECOND WORKSHOP SESSION Four parallel workshops WORKSHOP 1: EU in the classroom: Teaching ideas for secondary schools– Prof. ROSSITSA PENKOVA & Assist. Prof. NINA TSVETKOVA,PhD, Sofia University, Bulgaria Room: Conference Hall WORKSHOP 2: These were real lives! Helping students to connect with the people behind the statistics of a war-torn Europe - INEKE VELDHUIS-MEESTER, The Netherlands Room: 209 (second floor) Translation: Dessislava Zareva WORKSHOP 3: Unity in diversity: ”Shining stars of Europe” - MIRE MLADENOVSKI, R. of Macedonia Room: 203 (second floor) WORKSHOP 4: Europe between the Local, the National and the Global – DANUTE GRINFELDE, Latvia Room: 206 (second floor) Translation: Maria Totomanova 16.30-17.00 Coffee-break 17.00-18.00 World café: Group work on declaration Work in three discussion groups on proposal for declaration СДРУЖЕНИЕ НА ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛИТЕ ПО ИСТОРИЯ В БЪЛГАРИЯ BULGARIAN HISTORY TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION This conference is financed with the support of the European Commission in the frame of the project "Creating Europe in Diversity". Only Bürger Europas and partners bear the responsibility for the content of this conference. The Commission is not liable for the contents and their further utilisation. 20.00 DINNER (Zafo Restaurant; 2Б, Tsar Assen Str.) SUNDAY, 13 SEPTEMBER Venue: Department of Information and In-service Training of Teachers (DIITT) - Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski Sofia 1619; 224, blvd Tsar Boris ІІІ 09.30-11.00 FOURTH PLENARY SESSION Conference Hall, first floor 9.30-9.45 9-45-10.00 10.00-10.15 Electronic resources for history teaching – Maria Bosseva, Prosveta PH Novelties in history teaching – Veneta Hristova, Boulvest PH The challenges to teach in multicultural environment – Dimitar Dimitrov, TANGRA TanNakRa Foundation 10.15-11.00 Presentation of group work on Declaration The tree groups present shortly their ideas and propositions 11.00-11.30 Coffee-break 11.30–12.30 Closing of the conference Official closing by Bistra Stoimenova, President of the Bulgarian History Teachers’ Association 13.00 Departure of participants